Tuesday, September 23, 2008
"Think teal, talk teal, wear teal and save lives." That's the message from Khrissy Lupinacci, six year survivor of Ovarian Cancer and one of the founding members of LI OCEANS (Long Island Ovarian Cancer Education Advocacy Network & Support). "Teal Tuesday" is being launched as National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Day to promote public education and generate awareness of the signs, symptoms and risk factors of ovarian cancer which claims the lives of over 22,000 women annually. Show your support on "Teal Tuesday", September 23rd by wearing teal; tying teal ribbons or teal balloons within your community, place of business, office or front lawn and help us inspire others to join in our campaign and save lives.
"Think teal, talk teal, wear teal and save lives." That's the message from Khrissy Lupinacci, six year survivor of Ovarian Cancer and one of the founding members of LI OCEANS (Long Island Ovarian Cancer Education Advocacy Network & Support). "Teal Tuesday" is being launched as National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Day to promote public education and generate awareness of the signs, symptoms and risk factors of ovarian cancer which claims the lives of over 22,000 women annually. Show your support on "Teal Tuesday", September 23rd by wearing teal; tying teal ribbons or teal balloons within your community, place of business, office or front lawn and help us inspire others to join in our campaign and save lives.