Saturday, April 18, 2009
6th annual Marie S. Franck Foosteps Toward Hope Ovarian Cancer Walk on May 2, 2009
Walk in memory or walk for a survivor at the 6th annual Marie S. Franck Foosteps Toward Hope Ovarian Cancer Walk on May 2, 2009 at 8:30am at the Jones Beach Boardwalk, parking field #5.
All proceeds will benefit the Rosewell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo. Help them break the $100,000 mark with this year's donations!
To sign up, call Sister Suzanne at St. Joseph's College in Patchogue at (631) 447-6581.
Friday, January 09, 2009
May 20th, 2009 6 :00 PM
Monday, November 10, 2008
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Carol's Cause Presents The Annual Peaches 'N Cream Gala"
to benefit gynecologic cancer research
Receiver of Taxes, Town of Huntington and an ovarian cancer survivor
Professor and Vice-Chair
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Winthrop-University Hospital
Director Community Relations, Long Island, Citi and an ovarian cancer survivor
VP for Health Sciences and Medical Affairs
NY College of Osteopathic Medicine, NYIT
Monday, November 17, 2008
Cocktails in the Library Room – 6:00 PM
Dinner, reception immediately following
Black tie optional
Westbury Manor
Jericho Turnpike
Westbury, New York
For ticket and journal ad information call 516 873 1267 (Joe) or 516 342 5751 (Marc)
Carol’s Cause is a 501 (c) (3) organization.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Teal Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008. National Ovarian Cancer Day.
National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Day.
Khrissy Lupinacci from LI OCEANS Inc (Long Island Ovarian Cancer Education Advocacy Network & Support) launches a Nationwide Public Awareness Campaign calling September 23rd, the 3rd Tuesday of September “ Teal Tuesday”. Our goal is to promote public education and much needed awareness of the deadliest form of Gynecologic Cancer called Ovarian Cancer. Ovarian Cancer claims the lives of over 22,000 women each year, this year alone over 15,000 women will be diagnosed with this deadly disease.
Khrissy Lupinacci (a 6 year survivor of Ovarian Cancer and one of the founding members of LI OCEANS Inc) said, “September is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness month.” “ It is our hope that “ Teal Tuesday ” inspires millions of people to adopt this day to raise awareness of this deadly disease. “ We are in need of soldiers, it will take an army to fight this fight against Ovarian Cancer “ said Khrissy. “ We are in need of heros” our greatest asset in this fight against ovarian cancer is our caring and compassionate community at large.” We hope that individuals, busineses and corporations join us in our plight to save lives. “We ask for national and local partnerships to help execute this initiative and support this campaign, making the 3rd Tuesday of September “ Teal Tuesday”. We hope this campaign inspires individuals to join us in our fight and encourages grassroots activities within their own communities to “ think teal, talk teal, wear teal, save lives!
Saving lives, each and everyone of us has the power to save lives, to date there is not an effective nor 100 % accurate early detection test for Ovarian Cancer. We know that early detection can save lives, however, with the lack of an early screening test and lack of Ovarian Cancer Awareness, we are left with but one vital tool, our voice. Together we can educate one another and create much needed awareness. A Pap test does not detect Ovarian Cancer. You don’t need to be personally affected by Ovarian Cancer to help in the fight to educate, advocate and create awareness, you simply need to care. Educate yourself about the signs and symptons of Ovarian Cancer, call or visit your local or National Ovarian Cancer organization, arm yourself with education and awareness of the signs, symptoms and risk factors of the disease, spread the news.
Sadly the majority, 75 percent of women are diagnosed in the later stages of Ovarian Cancer; the five –year survival is only 30 percent.
LI OCEANS INC believes one is too many; we must educate and advocate so to eradicate this deadly disease. Please join us in saving lives.
We ask locally and nationally that others join us in our plight to create much needed awareness of this ruthless and relentless killer of women. On Tuesday September 23rd, please wear teal! Wear teal in honor of the thousands of beautiful women that are battling the disease, wear teal in memory of the precious lives of those who have lost their battle to this disease. Wear Teal to help raise public awareness of the often overlooked and unrecognized signs and symptoms of this disease. Wear Teal because you care about the thousands of Grandmothers, Mothers, Sisters and Daughters that will be diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer this year. Wear teal for the 22,000 women that will die from Ovarian Cancer this year. Wear teal, help save lives.
Teal Tuesday, the initiative to launch a national public awareness campaign to save hundreds, thousands of women from Ovarian Cancer. On September 23rd, Teal Tuesday please wear teal; tie teal ribbons or teal balloons within your community, place of business, office or front lawn. Encourage hospitals, businesses, companies, schools, churches, synagogues, restaurants, stores, corporations, government offices, employees and co-workers to wear teal. Contact newspapers, radio, and television. Encourage Members of Congress to participate & adopt this as an annual campaign. “ Our goal is that every woman is educated and made aware of the signs, symptoms and risk factors of Ovarian Cancer.” Said, Khrissy Lupinacci.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
NOCC Walk- Long Island Chapter- September 20th, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
5th Annual Candlelight Celebration ~ September 24th, Smithtown, New York
Surviving & Thriving: Life with Cancer -Episode 3
The third episode of the new free series, Surviving & Thriving: Life With Cancer, produced by CR and The Wellness Community, is available now. In Episode 3, Survivorship Your Way, survivors and health care professionals talk about developing a survivorship plan that is right for you.Don't forget to check back each Thursday to listen to the latest episode.
From the Ovarian Cancer Action Network~Cancer Trust Fund Legislation Introduced
In 2008, cancer will claim the lives of more than 559,000 Americans and will cost our nation $206 billion in lost productivity, human capital, and increased direct medical costs. Of all the cancers, ovarian is the deadliest gynecologic cancer and the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths among women. This year more than 22,000 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer and 15,000 will die from the disease.
One of the last bills to be introduced before the Congressional recess was the Cancer Trust Fund bill, a piece of legislation that aims to fully fund cancer initiatives through the federal government. By raising the tax on cigarettes, Congress and cancer advocacy groups hope to accelerate the War on Cancer, declared in 1971. Since then the relative five year survival rate for ovarian cancer has increased from 38 percent to 45 percent, indicating that ovarian cancer needs more research, early detection and treatment. These issues, and others, are addressed in the Cancer Trust Fund bill.
Introduced by Mr. Israel (D-NY) and Mr. Higgins (D-NY), the bill aims to augment the annual appropriations to fight cancer. Mr. Israel, a long time supporter of the fight against ovarian cancer says the bill is an important step in the fight against cancer. “Cancer researchers have made great strides over the years and we need to continue that progress,” said Rep. Steve Israel. “I’ve introduced legislation to create a Cancer Trust Fund that will ensure cancer research funding continues when times are tight. I hope this legislation will help get us closer to a cure.”
Monies from the Trust Fund will be available for research on early detection, treatment, prevention and survivorship issues. Further, the Trust Fund will support the breast and cervical cancer early detection and treatment program and the colorectal cancer early detection and treatment program. Other areas funded by the program include clinical trials, care for the underserved, and cancer workforce programs.
Specifically, cancers with survival rates below 50 percent are to receive special emphasis in funding in order to raise survival rates through the discovery of early detection tools, treatments and prevention. “This is a wonderful way to focus on the deadliest cancers, like ovarian. We are delighted to support this legislation,” said Dr. Karen Orloff Kaplan, Sc.D., Chief Executive Officer of the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance.
The bill will raise the federal tax on small cigars from $1.828 per thousand to $50.00 per thousand; on large cigars the tax will go from 20.719 percent of the sale price but not more than $48.75 per thousand to 52.988 percent of the price for which the cigar is sold but not more than $3.00 per cigar. The federal tax on small cigarettes will increase from $19.50 per thousand to $50.00 per thousand, and the tax on large cigarettes will increase from $40.95 per thousand to $105.00 per thousand. Taxes will also be increased for cigarette papers, cigarette tubes, smokeless tobacco, pipe tobacco and roll your own cigarettes. These taxes are projected to raise $35 billion over 5 years.
The House bill is H.R. 6791.
Monday, September 15, 2008
LIWA--Promotes " TEAL TUESDAY" Thank You LIWA!

"Think teal, talk teal, wear teal and save lives." That's the message from Khrissy Lupinacci, six year survivor of Ovarian Cancer and one of the founding members of LI OCEANS (Long Island Ovarian Cancer Education Advocacy Network & Support). "Teal Tuesday" is being launched as National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Day to promote public education and generate awareness of the signs, symptoms and risk factors of ovarian cancer which claims the lives of over 22,000 women annually. Show your support on "Teal Tuesday", September 23rd by wearing teal; tying teal ribbons or teal balloons within your community, place of business, office or front lawn and help us inspire others to join in our campaign and save lives.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Gift Coincides With National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
STONY BROOK, N.Y., September 2, 2008 – Long Island OCEANS (Ovarian Cancer Education Advocacy Network & Support), an organization made up of gynecologic cancer survivors, donated $25,000 to Stony Brook University Medical Center to support research on the early detection and treatment of ovarian cancer and other gynecologic cancers. SBUMC cancer researchers have received continued support from L.I. OCEANS, including a grant for $25,000 in 2006.
Ovarian cancer is the most deadly form of gynecologic cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, ovarian cancer claims the lives of more than 22,000 each year, and 15,000 women are diagnosed with the disease annually. The White House has declared September National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, and the Gynecologic Cancer Foundation calls September National Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month.
"The search for better and more accurate diagnostics for early detection of gynecologic cancers, particularly for ovarian cancer, is central to our research," says Michael L. Pearl, M.D., Director, Division of Gynecologic Oncology at SBUMC. "The grant from Long Island OCEANS will help further several research initiatives," adds Dr. Pearl, emphasizing that because symptoms of ovarian cancer often do not occur until the disease is advanced, many women are not diagnosed early enough to help control or cure disease.
The goal of L.I. OCEANS is to create awareness among women regarding the early warning signs and symptoms of gynecologic cancers. The network provides support, resources, and education for women diagnosed with gynecologic cancers, as well as support for the advancement of disease research. L.I. OCEANS is promoting "Teal Tuesday," September 23, as National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Day. The organization is appealing for people to wear teal in honor of the thousands of lives who have been touched by the disease.
The Division of Gynecologic Oncology at SBUMC is within the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine. The Division provides comprehensive examinations, diagnostic services, and treatment for women with all forms of gynecologic cancer. Research is a major component of the Division. Patient services are provided at SBUMC, the Stony Brook University Cancer Center outpatient facility, and at Long Island Gynecologic Oncologists, P.C., with offices in Smithtown and Mineola.
Caption: Stony Brook University Medical Center received $25,000 from L.I. OCEANS (Ovarian Cancer Education Advocacy Network & Support) for gynecologic cancer research.
Pictured from left: Eileen Tobin, OCEANS member; Denise Reilly, Administrator, Ambulatory Cancer Services, SBUMC; Theodore Gabig, M.D., Interim Director, Stony Brook University Cancer Center; Khrissy Lupinacci, an OCEANS founding member; Michael L. Pearl, M.D., Director, Division of Gynecologic Oncology, SBUMC; Chris Reynolds, OCEANS member; and Marylou Stewart, OCEANS founding member and Supervisor, Medical Photography, SBUMC. Credit: Jeanne Neville, Stony Brook University Media Services
Greg Filiano
Media Relations Manager, School of Medicine
Stony Brook University Medical CenterLevel 5, Suite 9, Rm. 429
Stony Brook, NY 11794-7538631-444-9343
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Carols Cause
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Date change for August Support Group Meeting--new date August 27th
Our Next Ovarian Cancer & GYN Cancer Support group meeting will be on August 27th, Wed at 6 pm. Please call Khrissy to RSVP for this free event. 631 334-1979
Meeting Location:
LI OCEANS Support Group AME Offices (Assn of Municipal Employees) 30 Orville DriveBohemia, NY (across from Mac Arthur Airport
Hope to See you!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Long lsland Summer 5 Kilometer Women's Run-Saturday, July 19th, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008.
9:00 AM
This is a women's only event with cash prizes going to the top ten overall runners and age group winners. Awards will be given to five deep in each five year age category. Special awards to top five finishers who are ovarian or GYN cancer survivors and top five finishers who are doing their first 5K event.
There's also a Little Women's 1/4-Mile Fun Run (12 and under)at 8:20 AM followed by the 5K at 9:00 AM and a Racewalk at 9:05 AM.
Proceeds raised will benefit Ll OCEANS and the battle against Ovarian cancer
Don't forget to wear your NYPD Singlets!
Race Director Rosemary Camilleri - (516) 349-7646 or email
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Ovarian Cancer Grassroots Action Network--Co-Sponsor the Ovarian Cancer Biomarker Research Act

Ask your Representative to co-sponsor the Ovarian Cancer Biomarker Research Act of 2007 to authorize the National Cancer Institute to make grants to public and nonprofit entities to establish research centers of excellence devoted to the discovery of ovarian cancer biomarkers
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
URGENT ACTION ALERT! Save Our Oncologists!! Anymore Medicare cuts will run our Oncologists out of business!

More medicare cuts will run our Oncologists out of business!
Save our Oncologists/Save ourselves!
YOU CAN HELP! PLEASE call your Senator's today!!!
Schumer's contact:
Clinton's Contact:
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
4th Annual Indian Island Golf Outing to benefit LI OCEANS INC

Save the date! Monday, June 16th 2008 1:00 pm
4th Annual Indian Island Golf Outing
to benefit Long Islanders affected by Ovarian & Gynecological Cancers
Monday, June 09, 2008
The OCRF's Super Saturday 11, Saturday July 26th, 2008

For more info go to
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
LI OCEANS shares in the sorrow, our sincerest condolences to Kogan Family and the OCRF on the loss of Louis Kogan
Louis Kogan died on Monday, 2 June.
Lou served as treasurer and a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of OCRF for years. His dedication, his generosity of time and spirit and his wonderful sense of humor will be missed by all. The Board of Directors and the Staff of The Ovarian Cancer Research Fund extend their sympathy to Faith Kates Kogan, the President of the Board of OCRF and to her husband Jeffrey and their three children on the death of Jeffrey's father.
Friday, May 30, 2008
June 11th, Wed Ovarian Cancer Fundraiser, Chester's Restaurant, Amityville NY
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Press Release - Charity Golf Outing for Ovarian and Gynecologic Cancers.
May 27th, 2008 (Press Release)
Charity Golf Outing for Ovarian and Gynecologic Cancers.
“ Tee Off for Teal “
On Monday June 16th the Indian Island Country Club (661 Riverside Drive, Riverhead, NY) will host its 4th Annual Charity Golf Outing.
This year proceeds from the Chinese auction; raffles and sponsorships will go to LI OCEANS, Long Island Ovarian Cancer Education Advocacy Network Support.
Golfers and sponsors are invited to participate. Registration starts at 12:00 pm check in; shotgun start begins at 1:00 p.m.
The price is 150.00 per player which includes; 18 hole golf tournament, motorized cart, barbecue lunch, buffet dinner, 2 hour premium open bar, gift bag, fun and more.
Tee off for Teal is aimed at raising awareness and funds for ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of gynecologic cancer deaths among American women.
LI OCEANS is a grass roots, survivor led 501 c 3 Not-for-profit organization dedicated to the fight against ovarian and gynecologic cancers.
Every 7 minutes a woman is diagnosed with a gynecologic cancer. Each year, approximately 83,700 U.S. women are diagnosed with a cancer of the reproductive organs. To date; There is no test available to detect ovarian cancer; therefore, diagnosis is usually made at a very advanced stage when the 5-year survival rate is only about 20-25%. This is unacceptable! Together with the medical community, Long Island OCEANS is committed to finding an early detection test.
“ OVARIAN CANCER does not discriminate. It strikes tens of thousands of women every year regardless of race or age and will claim over 16,000 women this year; more deaths than all other gynecologic cancers combined. LI OCEANS believes 1 is too many. Early detection testing is needed to improve the cure rate. Our goal is to create awareness among women, the medical community and the greater population regarding early warning signs and symptoms that may be indicative of ovarian cancer, resulting in earlier detection. We must increase awareness by educating women, their families, and the healthcare community about the risks, symptoms and treatments of ovarian cancer. Until there’s a test word of mouth is best. LI OCEANS is committed to saving the lives of our Grandmother’s, Mother’s, Sisters, Daughters friends and neighbors. LI OCEANS is a beacon of hope for Ovarian and other gynecologic cancers.” Said Khrissy Lupinacci, Ovarian Cancer Survivor, advocate and Co-Founder of Long Island Oceans.
“ We are extremely honored and grateful to Russ Moran and the Indian Island Country Club for selecting Long Island OCEANS and our worthy cause for this years charity golf outing. In addition to raising money for research this event provides us with a platform to educate and advocate with the mission to eradicate this deadly disease. Our greatest asset in the fight against Ovarian and Gynecologic Cancer is our caring community. “ Said Khrissy Lupinacci.
Together we can save lives.
To participate in this year’s event, as a Major Sponsor, Corporate Sponsor, Foursome, corporate team foursome, individual Golfer, Tee sponsor or a Dinner Guest, please call: Russ Moran at Indian Island Country Club, 661 Riverside Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901. 631. 727-0788
Donations needed for the Chinese auction/raffles.
Monday, May 26, 2008

Applications are now available and online registration is now open for the 2008 Arrow Exterminating Company Long Island Women’s 5 Kilometer Run, and women runners and walkers of all ages and abilities are cordially invited to participate.
This will be the 25th anniversary edition of the Run, which is Long Island’s only running event that is for women only, and it will be held on Saturday, July 19, 2008 starting and finishing at Farmingdale High School. The proceeds of the Run will once again be dedicated to the fight against ovarian cancer, through the good work being done by “Long Island Oceans” whose mission is “bringing light to all GYN Cancers.” Women of all ages and levels of ability are urged to attend this important event for women!
Every entrant in the 5K will receive a top quality textured shirt especially designed for women. The Run will be followed by great post-race refreshments, a giant post-race merchandise giveaways, and free massage.
Awards will be presented to the top ten women overall, the top five finishers in 14 separate age groups, the top five open and maters racewalkers, and the top five finishers in each of two Athena Weight Divisions. Special awards will go to the first five finishers who are ovarian or GYN cancer survivors and, NEW this year, the first five finishers who are doing their first five kilometer run.
The 5K Run will be preceded by the “Little Women’s 1/4 Mile Fun Run” for future Olympians under the age of 12, and each finisher in the Fun Run will receive a medal when she crosses the finish line.
The Run will be staged once again by the Greater Long Island Running Club, with GLIRC’s Rosemary Camilleri serving again as the Race Director with the assistance of new Deputy Race Director Debbie Blair. Computerized scoring and results will be provided by Tri and Du It Multisport, using the AMB Chip Timing System.
“We are thrilled to be able to welcome a responsible and community minded Long Island based business like Arrow Exterminating Company as our title sponsor once again this year,” observed Race Director Rosemary Camilleri of the host Greater Long Island Running Club. “Arrow Exterminating is well known for deploying nature-based methods when appropriate, and using pesticides judiciously to keep customers safe. Best of all, they rely on real science to get the job done, with a staff entomologist to teach workers how bugs behave in order to most effectively devise tactics that actually work! And Arrow is a business managed by women (two sisters, Jackie Grabin and Debby Tappan), making it an especially perfect sponsor for a race dedicated to women!”
In addition to Arrow Exterminating Company, other businesses that have committed to sponsoring the 2008 Run include the Runner’s Edge running and multisport specialty store, Aesthetic Surgeon Dr. Zachary E. Gerut, Long Island Sports and Rehabilitation Center, and Tweezerman. The Town of Oyster Bay and its highly supportive Supervisor John Venditto will once again be cooperating to assure the success of the event, and New York State Senator Carl Marcellino will continue what has been over a decade of support.
The entry fee for the 5K is $21 for those who register by July 11, $22 for those who register between July 12 and July18, and $22 for those who register on the day of the race. Runners under the age of 16 who register by July 11 can take a 50% discount. The 1/4 mile Fun Run is absolutely free. For applications call Linda in the Running Club office at 516 349-7646, or register online at Volunteers are being coordinated by Carl Grossbard; contact him at (631)587-0895 if you can help out.
All smiles as they announce plans for the “bigger and better than ever” 2008 Arrow Exterminating Company Long Island Womens’ 5 Kilometer Run are (standing L to R) Deputy Race Director Debby Blair, Jackie Grabin of Arrow Exterminating Company New York State Senator Carl Marcellino, Debby Tappan of Arrow Exterminating, Race Director Rosemary Camilleri, (Seated L to R) Long Island OCEANS member Jean Brasse and Long Island OCEANS Co-founder and Treasurer Khrissy Lupinacci
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
6th Grader Alex DeMella Making a Difference

Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Ovarian Cancer: The Facts
Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death from gynecologic cancers in the United States, and is the fifth leading cause of cancer death among U.S. women. According to the American Cancer Society, it is estimated that 22,430 women will be diagnosed with this cancer in the U.S. in 2007, and about 15,280 women will die from the disease.
A woman’s lifetime risk of ovarian cancer is 1 in 67; it is an insidious disease that often strikes without warning and without cause. The symptoms of ovarian cancer are often vague and subtle, making it difficult to diagnose.
Currently there is no effective means of early detection for the disease. As a result, ovarian cancer is usually diagnosed in advanced stages and only 50% of women survive longer than five years. Today, only 25% of cases are diagnosed in the early stages, i.e., before the cancer has spread beyond the ovary to the pelvic region. However, if ovarian cancer is detected and treated early, the five-year survival rate is greater than 90%.
Until we have an effective way to detect ovarian cancer, we urge all women to become educated about the disease so she can act independently to protect her health.
Signs & Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer------
Recurrent unexplained back pain
Women with ovarian cancer report that symptoms are persistent and represent a change from normal for their bodies. The frequency and/or number of such symptoms are key factors in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Several studies show that even early stage ovarian cancer can produce these symptoms.Women who have these symptoms almost daily for more than a few weeks should see their doctor, preferably a gynecologist. Prompt medical evaluation may lead to detection at the earliest possible stage of the disease. Early stage diagnosis is associated with an improved prognosis.
Several diagnostic tests exist that can be used to detect ovarian cancer. The three most common tools are:
Vaginal-rectal pelvic exam
Transvaginal ultrasound
CA-125 blood test
Because of the margin of error associated with each of the tests, they are most effective when used in combination with each other.
Other diagnostic tools include:
Transvaginal color flow doppler
CT (or CAT) Scan
Lower GI series or barium enema (occasionally)
All females are at risk, all ages.
Risk Factors
• Increasing age, with highest occurrence in women over 50
• Family or personal history of ovarian, breast, endometrial, or colon cancer(only 10% of cases are linked to family history, however)
• Uninterrupted ovulation (having no pregnancies; infertility, low parity)
• Presence of BRCA1 or BRCA 2 gene mutations
Prevention & Risk Reduction
• Use of oral contraceptives for more than five years can reduce your risk by approximately 50%
• Multiple pregnancies, having first full-term pregnancy before the age of 25
• Breast feeding• Hysterectomy/Tubal ligation substantially reduces risk
• Removal of the ovaries and fallopian tubes (oopherectomy) dramatically reduces, but does not completely eliminate, risk of developing ovarian cancer.
What do I do if I am concerned about my risk of ovarian cancer or have symptoms that persist and are unusual for me?
• Speak to your gynecologist for more information and have an examination. Be sure to discuss the possibility of ovarian cancer with your doctor.
How is Ovarian Cancer Diagnosed?
• The PAP test is used to detect cervical cancer, NOT ovarian cancer.
• A vaginal-rectal pelvic examination (also called a bimanual exam) – This exam allows the ovaries to be examined from many sides. Every woman should undergo a rectal and vaginal pelvic examination at her annual check up with her gynecologist.
• Transvaginal Ultrasound - This test uses sound waves to create a picture of the ovaries, and can often reveal if there are masses or irregularities on the surface of the ovaries. It cannot determine if you have cancer but it can show characteristics that give different levels of suspicion.
• CA125 blood test - This test measures the level of a substance in the blood that may increase when a cancerous tumor is present; this protein is produced by ovarian cancer cells and is elevated in more than 80% of women with advanced ovarian cancers and 50% of those with early-stage cancers. Because CA125 misses half of early cancers and can be elevated by benign conditions, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) does not endorse using it to screen women at ordinary risk or in the general population.
• It is very important to note that none of these tests are definitive when used on their own. They are most effective when used in combination with each other. The only way to confirm the presence of ovarian cancer suspected by the above tests is through a surgical biopsy of the tumor tissue.
If tests suggest the possibility of ovarian cancer, seek referral to a gynecologic oncologist:
• A gynecologic oncologist is a professional who specializes in treating women with reproductive tract cancers.
• Gynecologic oncologists are initially trained as obstetrician/gynecologists and then undergo three-four years of specialized education in all of the effective forms of treatment for gynecologic cancers (surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and experimental treatments) as well as the biology and pathology of gynecologic cancers.
Why is it so important to be treated by a gynecologic oncologist?
The importance of being treated by a gynecologic oncologist cannot be stressed enough. According to numerous medical studies, there are significant survival advantages for those women who are treated, managed, and operated on by a gynecologic oncologist.
• Gynecologic oncologists are 5 times more likely to completely remove ovariantumors during surgery• 80% of ovarian cancer patients receive inadequate surgical debulking and stagingfrom non-gynecologic oncologist surgeons• Survival rate and outcomes vastly improve with gynecologic oncologists
Today, most women are diagnosed when chance of survival for five years is about 25%. Early detection can improve the survival rate to over 90%!
The Only Cure for Ovarian Cancer is Early Detection.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Thursday, November 29, 2007
LIPPzz ~ Long Island Pajama Party~ Girlz Night Out
Girlz Night Out Pajama Party
For Ovarian Cancer & Breast Cancer!!!
Huntington Hilton, Melville, New York
Feb, 1st, 2008
7:00 Pm - Midnight
Tickets on sale now!!
75.00 per person. 21 & Over please.
Send check made out to LI OCEANS INC
to: PO BOX 444, Brightwaters, NY 11718
or to: LI OCEANS
7 Golf Club Circle, Manorville, NY 11949
Please include name, address & phone number of each quest attending.
Hotel reservations are separate & must be made via the Hotel- see below.
Sleepover (optional) 119.00 per room, up to 4 guests per room.
For Hotel reservations call the Hilton @ 631. 845-1000
Mention LIPPzz Event ( LI OCEANS INC & The Babylon Breast Cancer Coalition)
About LIPPzz
It’s an exclusive girls night out pajama party filled with fashion, glamour, pampering, beauty, entertainment, Spa Services, Dancing, Salsa Lessons, cocktails, food, Pole Twirling Lessons, Belly Dance Lessons, Massages, Psychics & Palm readers, Goodie Bags, raffles, prizes, Irresistible boutique shopping, gab, giggles, lots of girly fun, oh' and so much more!
Hey’ a girlz got needz right!
Proceeds go to benefit Ovarian Cancer & Breast Cancer.
Donations needed for Goodie Bags & Raffles.
Sponsorship & Underwriters opportunities available.
Questions please call:
Khrissy Lupinacci (631) 334-1979
Sandy Rich (631) 928-0298
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Running for Charities
GLIRC, the largest and most active running club in both Long Island counties, and Arrow Exterminating, Long Island’s largest pest control organization and coincidentally, a business managed by women, joined efforts and utilized this women’s-only running event as a fundraiser for two very worthwhile charities.
“We were thrilled to be able to partner with such a responsible and community-minded Long Island-based business as Arrow Exterminating, as they celebrate their 60th year of serving the people of Long Island,” observed GLIRC Race Director Rosemary Camilleri, who is also the Director of Personnel, Sayville School District. “More to the point, we were pleased to be able to work with Arrow Exterminating to promote running and fitness for Long island’s women at the same time as we were able to support two very important Long Island-based charities.”

(L to R) Angel Donnelly, Esther Bivona, and Sabina Steiner of Long Island Oceans receive a donation from Jackie Grabin, Copresident of Arrow Exterminating, and Rosemary Camilleri of the Greater Long Island Running Club.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
UPCOMING HOT EVENT-to benefit Ovarian & Breast Cancer
Mark your calendars!
Friday, February 1st, 2008
Huntington Hilton
Diva-licious overnight prices. Play & Stay.
Calling all Women & Sisters with traveling Pajama’s!
Join the LIPPPZZ Sisterhood! A Girl's night out for all women!
Long Island’s 1st Pampered Pajama Party Society
It’s an exclusive girls night out pajama party filled with fashion, glamour, pampering, beauty, entertainment, chic flicks, cocktails, Pole Twirling Lessons, Belly Dance Lessons, Massages, Psychics & Palm readers, Irresistible boutique shopping, gab, giggles, lots of girly fun, and so much more!
Hey’ a girls got needz right!
Proceeds go to benefit
LI OCEANS Inc & The Babylon Breast Cancer Coalition
Friday, August 24, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Thursday, August 09, 2007
August 15th, 2006 Next LI OCEANS Support Group Meeting
Date: August 15th, 2007
Time: 6- 8 PM.
Location: SCAME (Suffolk County Assn of Municipal Employees)
79 Orville Drive, Bohemia
Please RSVP for this free event.
Sandy Rich 631.928-0298
Women's Ovarian & Gynecological Cancer Support.
Monthly Support Group meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.
21st Century Integrated Healthcare, For Cancer Patients and Survivors
Facilitated by Irene Siegel, LCSW & Lenny Izzo, DC, Clinical Nutritionist
21st Century Integrated Healthcare
For Cancer Patients and Survivors
Is Cancer your turning point?
This presentation will be an introduction to an integrative approach to beating
cancer. What are your next steps in conjunction with and beyond conventional treatment?
Come and find out!
Topics Include:
Changing Belief Systems to Impact the Process of Cancer
The Power of Guided Imagery and Meditation
Introduction to the Psychology of Cancer
The Roots of Cancer
Learn how nutrition, stress, and emotional coping skills affect our health
Date: Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Time: 7:30pm - 9pm
Call now to register, as classes fill up quickly!
This Free 1 1/2 Hour Presentation is based upon "The Labyrinth Series"This Free 1 1/2 Hour Presentation is based upon "The Labyrinth Series"
Center Point
The Art of Healing Body & Mind
202 East Main Street, Suite 102
Huntington, NY 11743
(631) 547 - 5433
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Please Join Us for the 4th Annual Candlelight Celebration
Please Join Us for Our
4th Annual
Candlelight Celebration
Dedication Of Carol’s Garden
Named in honor of the late Carol R. Laino
And to honor all women affected by gynecologic cancers
On the grounds of the offices of
Long Island Gynecologic Oncologists
1077 West Jericho Turnpike
Smithtown, New York 11787
Friday, September 14th 6:00 PM
Rain Date: September 19th
Parking across street
Restrooms facilities available on site
For more information please call:
631-864-9513 or 516-873-1267
We will have the “Hope & Remembrance Table” again this year
Bring a picture or token of your loved one to display.
Sponsored by:
Long Island Gynecologic Oncologists, P.C.
Long Island Oceans
(Ovarian Cancer Education Awareness Network and Support)
Carol’s Cause and the Laino Family Foundation
Sunday, July 29, 2007
July 28th, 2007 Super Saturday 10!!!!! Watermill, NY.
Activities will include a one-of-a-kind designer garage sale with over 200 designers — called the “Rolls Royce of garage sales” by The New York Times — a kids’ carnival with rides, games and fun, fabulous raffle, and live entertainment. Food and refreshments are provided all day, with an informal seated lunch in the afternoon.
Over 1,500 guests are expected and will include designers, celebrities, editors, media and fashion-lovers and their families.
Tickets prices: $600 for exclusive preview shopping from 12-1 p.m., $400 for general admission adults and $100 for kids – kids under 5 are free. Table packages begin at $2,500 and go up to $15,000. Super Saturday’s famous goodie bags are provided to all guests.
Super Saturday 9 in 2006 raised over $2.4 million for OCRF’s research projects. The event was hosted by Kelly Ripa and over 200 designers participated donating their high-end clothing, beauty products, accessories and items for the home at 30-50% off retail. Designers and home furnishing companies such as Donna Karan, Marc Jacobs, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Valentino, Diane Von Furstenberg, Emanuel Ungaro, John Varvatos, Kate Spade, Vera Wang, Alessandro Dell’Acqua, Hugo Boss, Michael Kors, Theory, Brooks Brothers, Cole Haan, Dyson, and many more donated their goods.
Past celebrity guests included Christie Brinkley, Kristin Davis, Cynthia Nixon, Molly Shannon, Heidi Klum, Christy Turlington Burns, Edie Falco, Lorraine Bracco, Mariska Hargitay, Lindsay Lohan, Molly Sims, Ali Wentworth, Lauren Bush, Kyle MacLachlan, Peter Boyle, Jessica Seinfeld, Jon Lovitz, Helen Schifter, Patrick Demarchelier, Bianca Jagger, Howard Stern, Miss USA, Famke Jansen, Nicole Miller, Kate Spade, Vera Wang, Vivienne Tam, and more.

About Us:
LI OCEANS is an acronym for Long Island Ovarian Cancer Education Advocacy Network & Support. Our group is comprised of women living with Ovarian & Gynecological cancers, from the newly diagnosed to the long-term survivor.
In 2004, several women personally affected by Ovarian Cancer met, exchanged ideas, shared stories, identified the need for change, merged ultimate values and priorities and then made a decision that would transform lives.
They didn't know where they would find the time, the energy, nor the money to create an organization for women with Ovarian & Gynecologic Cancers, but they forged ahead nevertheless, with hope as their guiding light. They knew that without their understanding, passion and strength that other women with ovarian cancer would continue to suffer in isolation.
LI OCEANS recognized the urgent need for awareness; advocacy and action-they aspired to be the voice for Ovarian Cancer and save the precious lives of our mothers, sisters, daughters, grandmothers, friends & neighbors!
Our goal is to create awareness among women the medical community and the greater population regarding early warning signs and symptoms that may be indicative of ovarian cancer, resulting in earlier detection.
Our purpose is to provide support, resources, networking, and education for those women diagnosed with ovarian and gynecologic cancers. We support the advancement of research for early detection and cure of ovarian cancer.
Our mission is to educate, advocates with the ultimate hope to eradicate this deadly disease!
LI OCEANS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit approved by the IRS. Your tax-deductible contributions allow us to continue our battle against ovarian cancer, to raise awareness in the community and to provide education and support to ovarian cancer victims and their families through a network of survivors.
How Can I Help? We are always in need of volunteers!
We need people just like you! Please Help Get the Word Out!
We need you! Tell someone you love about ovarian cancer and the symptoms to watch. When you care, keeping quiet is not an option. Until there’s a test, word of mouth is best.
Together we can save lives.
Volunteer your time and talents to get the word out.
LI OCEANS INC greatly appreciates the support from our friends who host fundraising events on the LI OCEANS behalf.
If you would like to host an event to benefit the LI OCEANS here are a few ideas:
Rubber Duck Race
House party/ tea party or picnic
Walking/Running Event
Night At The Races
Hiking or Biking Event
Health and wellness day at your local workout club
Game night - Trivia night- Poker Party-Name that tune
Karaoke Yard Sale- Plant Sale- Bake Sale
Wine Tasting -wine and cheese evening
Fashion show
Murder Mystery-50’s,60’s,70’s Dance
Host A Teal Awareness Day
Golf tournament -tennis tournament
September is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.